St Martins Parish Council Committees

Executive Committee  
Members Cllr’s .

  1. The Parish Council Standing Orders apply to all Committees.
  2. Membership shall comprise of a maximum of 6 members.
  3. Members of the Committee are established at the Annual meeting of the Council.
  4. The Committee shall elect a Chairman.
  5. Three members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for meetings.
  6. The Committee shall meet a minimum of 3 times per year.

     Delegated Powers (Last adopted on 11th October 2012)

  1. To review staffing structure and levels and make recommendations to the Council.
  2. To agree contracts of employment, job descriptions and person specifications for staff.
  3. To review staff salaries and terms of conditions of all staff and make recommendations to Council.
  4. To act as a recruitment panel.
  5. To review health and safety at work for all Council employees.
  6. To ensure the council complies with all legislative requirements relating to the employment of staff.

Recreation Services Committee
Members Cllr’s 

  1. Membership shall comprise of a maximum of six members of Council plus up to six members representing recreational clubs and societies in the Parish.
  2. The Parish Council Standing Orders apply to all Committees.
  3. Councillor members of the Committee are established at the Annual meeting of the Council.
  4. Non-councillor members of the Committee shall be appointed by the organisations they represent on an annual basis.
  5. The Committee shall elect a Chairman for each civic year.
  6. Three councillor members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for meetings.
  7. The committee will normally meet a maximum of 4 times a year.

     Delegated Powers (Last adopted on 10th September 2015)

  1. To oversee the provision, development and management of all recreational and play area facilities across the Parish and make appropriate recommendations to the Council concerning needs, costs and charges
  2. To liaise with the residents of the Parish to ensure that all recreational and play area service needs are identified and updated on a regular basis.
  3. To review quarterly the income from and expenditure on all recreational and play area facilities.

Finance Committee
Members Cllr’s 

  1. Membership shall comprise of a maximum of five members.
  2. The Parish Council Standing Orders apply to all Committees.
  3. Members of the Committee are established at the Annual meeting of the Council.
  4. The Committee shall elect a Chairman for each civic year
  5. Three members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for meetings.
  6. The committee will normally meet a maximum of 4 times a year

     Delegated Powers (Last adopted on 12th September 2013)

  1. To review financial regulations and make recommendations to the Council.
  2. The Parish Council Standing Orders apply to all Committees.
  3. Monitor financial progress of the council’s expenditure.
  4. To consider and make recommendations on all reports arising from both internal and external auditors.
  5. To ensure that an adequate and effective system of internal control is in place to secure the integrity of finances.
  6. To review quarterly the income and expenditure on all budgets.

Planning Committee
All Members of the Parish Council

  1. All Parish Council Standing Orders shall apply to this Committee except for Standing Order 3y.
  2. Membership shall comprise of all members of Council.
  3. The Chair of the Parish Council shall be the Chairman for each civic year.
  4. Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for meetings.
  5. The committee will meet as and when required at a date, time and place to be determined by the Chairman, but subject to the provisions of Standing Order 6.

     Delegated Powers (Last adopted on 10th March 2016)

  1. To meet as necessary with the developers and/or the representatives of any developers who have submitted or intend to submit proposals for development within the Parish.
  2. In the event that an indication is required on the likely views of the Parish Council on any submitted or intended development proposals, the Committee shall take a vote of those present and shall share the outcome with the developers and/or their representatives, making it clear that the final decision on any application remains with the meeting of the Parish council at which the relevant planning application is discussed.
  3. To report the meeting and any outcome to the meeting of the Parish Council immediately following the meeting of this Committee.

Street Lighting Committee
Members Cllr’s 

Membership shall comprise of a maximum of five members of Council plus one (Chairman of Finance Committee)..

  1. The Parish Council Standing Orders apply to all Committees.
  2. The Committee shall elect a Chairman for each civic year.
  3. Three members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for meetings.
  4. The committee will normally meet a maximum of 4 times a year.

     Delegated Powers (Last adopted on 10th March 2016)

  1. To oversee the delivery of the street lighting maintenance contract.
  2. To review and consider the need for the provision of new street lights.
  3. To consider any requests for new street lights made by residents of the Parish.
  4. To review the progress towards the provision of LED lighting.
  5. To make recommendations to the Parish Council on any street lighting matters.